Today, July 3, 2016

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I started this originally almost 4 years ago.  In those years, I have had both my parents leave this planet for something bigger and better (I hope).  Travelled to England and Illinois for funerals.   Sold my house, rented, bought another house.  Had the company I had worked for the last 7 years bought out by a bigger company and changed jobs 9 months ago.  Fortunately the man in my life still loves me after all that.  It’s day 1 for me, again.  My budget is balanced yet again I am going to share my story with you as I keep to my budget and pay off my debt.   This is thanks to the wonderful credit card companies that thought I deserved a credit card, and to my not so wonderful brain that thought, Yeah more shopping!!!!  What an idiot I was.

$34000, it’s all mine, credit cards, loan, line of credit.  This does not include the mortgage, utilities, phone, insurance and car payments. I know it can look daunting, but the matter of the fact is a dollar paid, means I owe one less dollar and eventually all those single dollars will add up.

Be realistic with your budget and you may have to change it many times until you get it to balance for you. Setting aside $100 a month for groceries for a family of 2 may balance your budget, but honestly it’s not going to work (I tried).  I realize now that as I am in my 50’s that I really should have done better, but there is no time like the present to start.

I should have committed monthly amounts to a savings account and yet I have none. Some people say you have to put to savings first and foremost, but honestly in this world we live in, just balancing it first and keeping it that way, will eventually help to start your savings.

Who knows, maybe you can start saving tomorrow. I will share my tips, successes and failures.  I will give you easy forms to help you see where you are going and I hope you share your ideas and successes with me.

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